Hero Data Archiving Process
Each summer, Hero archives the previous school year’s Hero data so that your account is fresh for your back-to-school Hero re-launch. Schools with active subscriptions at the time of the archiving process will have their account data stored for future reporting. Schools without active subscriptions will have their data permanently deleted.
Q: When will my Hero data be archived?
The behavior tracking data from your school’s Hero account will automatically be archived sometime between July 1st - July 15th. If you need your Hero data to be archived before or after this date range, please contact support@schoolmint.com.
Q: What will be archived?
We will archive all of last year’s tracking data. All reports will be blank, including the students’ behavior history.
Q: What about rolling over Hero points to next school year?
Hero points do not roll over from year to year. If you intend for students to be able to use this year’s Hero points when they return to campus in the Fall, please print the Schoolwide Points report prior to the archive for your own records.
Q: What is NOT archived?
Hero does NOT archive your behavior codes and action settings. Once the archive takes place and last year’s data is archived, you may update your tracking codes and action settings for the new school year. Manage Your Behavior Codes and Actions
Hero does NOT archive user lists. You will need to manage your user list to add new employees and deactivate employee users who are no longer at your campus. Managing Your User List
Hero does NOT archive or deactivate email notification templates. You will most likely want to turn OFF email notifications over the summer. You may modify your email notifications over the summer and then turn them back ON when you are ready. Setting Up Email Notifications
Hero does NOT archive student and parent login credentials. Students and parents who have previously created an account are able to use their existing login credentials.
Q: What should I do before the archive?
If you would like access to the Hero data for the previous school year, please take the time before your anticipated archive date to save last year’s data for your records. All of the Hero Reports can be exported to a .CSV file.
Q: When should I update my behavior codes for the new school year?
Once the archive takes place, existing Hero behavior codes and actions can be modified or deleted for the upcoming school year. *** IMPORTANT!!! Updating your behavior codes and actions prior to the archive process is NOT RECOMMENDED and may result in altered data records for the previous school year. Manage Your Behavior Codes and Actions
Q: When will students and schedules update in Hero for the new school year?
Once the archive process is complete, new students for the upcoming school year will appear in Hero as soon as your district IT department uploads the new files to the secure FTP server location assigned by our Hero data team. If you do not see the correct students in your Hero account, please email support@herok12.com immediately so that we may confirm the date of the last import file received from your district IT department. You may also contact your district IT department directly to confirm the date they intend to share student files with Hero.
**NOTE: If your students and parents have access to their own Hero accounts and apps, it is possible that student schedules for the new year will begin to appear in their portals. If you do not want students and parents to have access to the schedules before the school year starts, it is best to turn that feature off for the summer. To disable this feature, visit the Hero setup portal dashboard - https://setup.heropowered.com and deselect these settings:
Q: How can I confirm my student data is correct for the new year?
To ensure the correct teacher roster view, be sure to update your bell schedules and term settings to align with your first grading period. Update Bell Schedule and Active Terms
View the grade levels of the students that are currently in your Hero system and confirm those are the correct grade levels. Make sure that you do not find any of last year’s graduating class in your Hero account. Verify that schedules are correct in Hero and match what is in your SIS.
You may also want to confirm that specific fields are included in your district’s automated import for student information, including guardian email addresses and date of birth for easy student/parent account setup.
For additional assistance, please contact our Hero Support Team
Email: herosupport@schoolmint.com
Chat: Live Chat