- This web page is a helpful article on how to use Hero, a software for tracking students’ behaviors.
- This article explains how to track students for teachers, administrators, and staff using different methods such as class rosters, search features, or ID card scanning.
- The article also shows how to track students for single or multiple behaviors using Track Student or Fast Track buttons, and how to confirm the tracking results.
It is very easy to track students for various behaviors in Hero. This article will review the steps you can take as a teacher, administrator, or other staff member. To learn how to track students, please navigate to the section of this article that applies to you, and your position within your school.
Tracking in Hero for Teachers
Once you have logged into Hero, you will see your class rosters. If you are a teacher who teaches across multiple class periods, you will see each of your class rosters organized into tabs for each class period. To track students, you will start with one of the options for student selection below:
-Choose "Select All" to track all students in your class at once
-Choose "Select All", and then click once more on students you would like to deselect
-Click on an individual student
-Click on multiple students (shown below)
Once you have selected your students, you will see buttons labeled "Fast Track" and "Track Student" appear in the bottom right corner of your screen.
To track a student for a single behavior, click on "Track Student". To track a student for multiple behaviors at once, click on "Fast Track". You will learn how to proceed with each option below:
Next steps for tracking a single behavior (Track Student):
If you are tracking for a single behavior, you will click on "Track Student". In the next screen, you will have the option to select a behavior code. Select a behavior code from the list:
Once you have selected the behavior code, you will see a confirmation screen of points that have been awarded (or consequences if tracking a negative behavior):
Click on "Submit". You will know your track was successful when you see the pop-up below:
Next steps for tracking multiple behaviors (Fast Track):
If you are tracking multiple behaviors at once, you will click on "Fast Track". You will see a menu of behaviors pop up on your screen. Select as many behaviors as you would like from this menu, and then click on "Track Students".
Click on "Track Students". You will know your track was successful when you see the pop-up below:
Congratulations! You can now use Hero to track students on your class roster.
Tracking in Hero for Administrators/Staff
Hero users who do not have class rosters assigned to them can follow these steps to track students in Hero. These Hero users have two options when it comes to tracking students:
1. Search for a student by name or ID number
2. Scan the student's ID card
Option 1: Tracking students using the "Search" feature
You will see a section on your dashboard for tracking students. To get started, search for a student by first name, last name, or ID number.
Note: You do not have to fill in all fields.
Click on the student you would like to track from the list of search options:
Once you have selected your students, you will see buttons labeled "Fast Track" and "Track Student" appear in the bottom right corner of your screen.
Next steps for tracking a single behavior (Track Student):
If you are tracking for a single behavior, you will click on "Track Student". In the next screen, you will have the option to select a behavior code. Select a behavior code from the list:
Once you have selected the behavior code, you will see a confirmation screen of points that have been awarded (or consequences if tracking a negative behavior):
Click on "Submit". You will know your track was successful when you see the pop-up below:
Next steps for tracking multiple behaviors (Fast Track):
If you are tracking multiple behaviors at once, you will click on "Fast Track". You will see a menu of behaviors pop up on your screen. Select as many behaviors as you would like from this menu, and then click on "Track Students".
Click on "Track Students". You will know your track was successful when you see the pop-up below:
Congratulations! You can now use Hero to track students using the "Search" feature.
Option 2: Tracking students using a bar code scanner to scan student IDs
Users can have students scan their student IDs with a barcode scanner. To get started, click on the "Behavior Tracking" icon:
Next click on "Bulk Mode":
In the next screen, you will select a behavior to begin scanning. Click on "Start Scan":
You will see a screen prompting students to scan their ID card using a barcode scanner:
When a student scans their ID, you will see a confirmation for that student on the screen, and a pass will print from the desktop printer:
Click on "Finish Scanning" once all students have scanned in.
Congratulations! You are now able to use a barcode scanner to track student behaviors in Hero!
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